Tuesday, August 12, 2014

In Memory

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sugar Beet Crafts

           Sugar Beet Crafts is another fun project of mine. Its a blog for those who love all things crafting.

 Sugar Beet Crafts

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hello everyone, I am so sorry for the disappearing act.
A few months ago my boyfriends mother was diagnosed with cancer.
So we packed up our stuff and have temporarily moved 1200 miles away from Santa Monica California to a small town outside of Tulsa Oklahoma. .. Skiatook Oklahoma. Just north east of Tulsa.
Thank goodness the operations went well and she is doing fantastic, they were able to remove the cancer and is recovering nicely at home.
Our 4th day here, and we start to have storms. I am not sure where you are, but if you know California, you know it really has no weather. Our storms last a day then go away. … Now Oklahoma on the other hand is a whole other story.
These storm clouds are nasty! The thunder roars on forever and its so hot and muggy it feels like you just stepped out of a steam room.
So I was outside weeding the strawberry’s when the thunder and lightning started. …. then I noticed the sky, and a feeling came over me that I cant explain.
The whole area, that is usually filled with all sorts of noises was completely silent and it was so still, the horses started to freak out and run back and fourth.
I stared at this spot in the sky, it was light everywhere but there. It was pitch black.
Then I noticed it was “swirling” and I thought uh oh, even I know that is not a good sign.
So my boyfriend came over, the sky turned green, and he said um … That’s a tornado, it was hard to see because it was rain wrapped. so we dashed inside to see what was happening on the news.
There was a tornado spotted a mile and a half away!!!
So we get my cat into a carrier and jump into the car, because it looked like it was headed strait for us and we knew the roads well enough to get away.
But by the time we hit the drive way it had passed, which is what you see in the picture. It was much closer than that, but I was too busy having a panic attack to take real pictures.
Welcome to the mid-west!

So its been exciting. The same storm system is what leveled Moore Ok. We were super lucky. My heart goes out to all those families.
So anyway, I am still in Oklahoma, chock full of  "Fake Goodness", oil, pesticides, earth  fracturing, unhealthy eating, and tainted water so  I should have some new posts up soon.
Have a wonderful Week!
I am off to feed the horses, dogs, cats and the puddle duck!

Monday, January 14, 2013

It's that time again!

After a very dry couple of seasons we finally saw some rain. i am finally starting to see some mushrooms!
Do you have a favorite mushroom?

Saturday, November 10, 2012