Friday, September 7, 2012


Photo of the Week:

Fort Gibson Lake Oklahoma

Taken 8/24/2012

My boyfriend and I recently took a road trip back to Tulsa Oklahoma to visit his family. This shot was taken at Fort Gibson lake where we did an overnight camping trip. It was a beautiful day in Oklahoma. The skies were overcast yet it was hot out with some showers and a tiny bit of sunshine poking through. The next morning we woke to the sound of light raindrops hitting the tent. We layed there enjoying the tip taps of the rain. Then noticed the drops were starting to get heavier and heavier. We decided to check out the weather radar. There was a dilly of a storm headed our way so we decided it was best to get out of there We quickly scurried around trying to pack up wet camping gear, tents, food and ourselves into the car. All in was pretty awesome.

** Camping Tip - Always scotch guard your tent! It will keep you nice and dry if you ever get stuck in the rain **

Cypress Trees at the Lake

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