Friday, June 8, 2012

A long road

Stuck at a desk for 9 hours a day, answering phone call after phone call………..after phone call. I have worked in call centers most of my life.

Trapped in a box attached to a phone.

It wasn’t hard to leave my job of almost 7 years.  The constant unknowing, that’s the hard part. Its easier to resign your life to mediocrity when you know you have a schedule and a stable income to rely on.  

Now with the cords cut the real journey begins.

I knew an office might not be the way for me. I used to day dream about life.
I knew that I loved to create.

Did I ever think I could do the things I really love? No way.
Do I believe I have the talent to do such a thing? Hardly! I am my own worst enemy.
Is it going to be easy? Not even a little bit...

Is that going to stop me? Nah.

I was given the opportunity. I jumped on it,  I'm not sure what I should do, or how I should do it.

But that’s OK.

Life is a process of learning. Life is a journey. It may look like a long road to nowhere but there are plenty of stops along the way.

There is no good or bad if you see everything as an experience to learn and grow as a person.
I quite my job to search out an adventure. To search for something real for me.

I have a plan, its just time to take action.

A journey resides in us all. Shouldn’t we fight for what we love, especially if it is our own freedom?
I think so.

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