Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Self List

Have you ever made a self list?  

You write words about yourself. Any random word 
that pops into your head... just write it down like 10 or 15, no stopping or editing. 
I did this exercise to help with my writing.

I went over my list. By the time I was done I had a huge frown on my face.  It made me sad. I am really negative toward myself.  All the negative stuff, was at the top, anything positive was at the bottom. Why is that?
I Did I even realize it?
That bummed me out.

So I cheated
I reworked my list, turning anything negative into something positive, and the things of most importance were at the top.

This list made more sense. It’s the positive me.       
This pleases me.

It was therapeutic to physically change the negative remarks into positive ones. 
Negativity will weigh down your thoughts and motivations.  It can make you forget who you are and where your going.
It will suck the energy right out of you……It is like the dark side, you might not see it but it's there. So be mindful of the force.

I can be prone to depression, Axing the negativity around me keeps my head in check.
It allows me to focus on the important part of life, living.

What is on your self list? Were you surprised at anything?

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